Acoustic guitar can be a tricky instrument to record well, but since I got my David Antony Reid guitar - problem solved! It just seems to sit perfectly in the mix, without any of the lumpy, boomy tone I get with so many of the 'big name' acoustics. Martins, Gibsons, Guilds, I've had them all in my studio and this Reid guitar beats them all, hands down!

Mark Frith, Record Producer and Lead Guitarist, CryBaby

Realwood Headstock

As low as possible without buzzing, please!

As low as possible without buzzing, please!

The Holy Grail

I’ve been threatening to show this in neon lights for a very long time now, so here it is…. Yeah, that’s right, as low as possible with out buzzing, please. This is without-a-doubt the most common request I receive, so you’ll be delighted to know that if this is what you want for your instrument - as 80% of players in my experience do - then with my truly bespoke setup service I will get you your dream action. Or if you’re a part of the other 20% who like to dig-in a little more stridently, and get your fingers under those upper strings on your bends, - and I count myself in there with you - then we too can work together to perfect that feel for you.

So, what’s the ethos? Forget about who said what and what celebrity plays like this or that, or what gauge and type of stings your rock, blues, folk, classical, jazz or pop hero plays, or played with, this is about “you”, an extremely complex biological makeup that is just as unique as your Instruments are, individually, because 99% of them are made of wood, also a very unique, individual, organic material - making even the most mass produced of instruments completely individual to each other. Too many players I find are frustrated that they can’t get the most out of their guitar, believing it should be just the same as a seemingly identical one that they’ve tried before, mostly because they’re listening to forums, celebrities, friends and other guitarists, but do not fret, professional, specialist help is here to find your guitars’ unique soul, making it your soul mate… I’ll tailor each of your instruments to you, and you’ll most likely find on this journey with me that you just might want, or need, your other guitars, or other stringed instruments, set up completely differently from each other for different pieces; or just to suit that particular instrument. With 22 years of extensive experience working on thousands of the broadest range of stringed instruments imaginable, I’m certain we can work together to achieve this holly grail of expectations.

So what’s your part in all of this? Well, you’ll have to come and spend up to 1 1/2 hours with me so I can personally go over the instrument very thoroughly and make it suit your very individual playing style, within the scope for adjustment that it can offer. I’ll need you to supply a set of strings of your own choice, which is extremely subjective, and of course, if there turns out to be any fret buzz because of uneven or worn frets, then that’s a different job entirely, but I'll go over all of this very thoroughly with you so you understand fully what I’m suggesting your best course of action to be. It is also a no obligation service, so if you’re not happy to go ahead with any extra jobs I discover, then that’s entirely up to you. As always I have quite a few appointments booked in sporadically over the following weeks and months, but if you let me know a date and time that you are thinking of which suits you best, then I’ll check if that is available. I’m off on Mondays and Sundays, so my days are Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 6pm, last appointment at 5pm. I’m best contacted by mobile phone, at 07714768957, or through this website, just go to the contact page and send me a contact form.

Whether your instrument cost £100.00 or £100,000.00, Let’s make it play to its full potential, together.

© David Antony Reid Luthier

This is a purely by appointment only service, address will be given upon conformation of appointment

Written: Saturday October 19th, 10:42am 2019